My name is Jared, and I recently joined the staff of
YES Institute as an
intern and volunteer speaker. While passionate about the topics of
gender and
orientation, and a dedicated intern, I had reservations about speaking in front of a group of people. Dr. Barbara Garcia-Lavin, Director of Division Internships & Training for
Nova Southeastern University (NSU), invited YES Institute to converse with her psychology interns and postdoc residents, and I was asked to be on the YES speakers team.
Jared sharing his story at Barry University |
This was the first time I’d ever publicly shared about my own orientation, and the impact it’s had on my family, friends and my life. I quickly felt the nerves leave my body and my voice grew more confident as I continued to speak. As I became more comfortable, so did the room, and they were engaged with what I had to say, asking me more questions. I felt at that moment that my voice and my story was making a difference.
“This was an extremely necessary discussion for us to have as therapists. I liked how we were given the personal side of these issues rather than just facts and statistics. The speakers were very powerful and moving. ”
“Today was very informative! I wasn’t aware of how high the suicide rate is for this population. The presentation really helped change my thinking on this topic.”
I also spoke with YES Institute during a
Community Dialogue at
Barry University, a Catholic college in Miami Shores. Michael Fountain, a Residence Hall Coordinator, invited YES Institute to present to 40 Barry resident advisors.
Emily addressing the interns at NSU |
Throughout the conversation, the audience became more expressive, sharing their personal and cultural struggles with gender and orientation. I found myself more nervous than the first time I’d shared; the audience was nearly double in size, and they had been asking more in-depth questions. I felt vulnerable as I shared about my own orientation, but the more I spoke, the more my fear diminished. I was now able to be authentic with the audience, no longer afraid to look them in the eye and tell my story. And when I was finished, I was met with genuine questions about my happiness and future goals. I was shocked, and yet grateful to see that they actually cared. I felt like my story and the stories of other YES Institute speakers had shifted us all in a positive way.
Some of the students said:
“The YES dialogue was an intense but eyeopening experience for me. It was my first time meeting and listening to people who identify as gay and transgender. I now understand more about what they go through on a daily basis.”
“I now feel like I can better handle a situation relating to these topics in my residence hall.”
“All of the guest speakers made a huge impact on me. I was very touched and driven to become more involved.”
If you are interested in getting involved as a Community Dialogues speaker with YES Institute, contact us today!