Friday, October 2, 2015

Medical Professionals Seek Continuing Education from YES Institute

Keeping up with the changing patient care currents in medicine, The Joint Commission, one of the leading healthcare accrediting bodies in the US, released a field guide to assist providers in ensuring an equitable care environment for patients impacted by gender and orientation topics. 

Umut Dursun presenting to Jackson Memorial Health Systems Nurses
Healthcare leaders recognize a policy document alone can't truly shift an entire organizational culture. Administrators and continuing education leaders bring in YES Institute to open an authentic dialogue with staff. Providers listen and interact with guest speakers who share about their experiences in health care settings.  

"My partner was admitted for 10 hours of neurosurgery. After 12 hours, waiting for a phone call, I returned to the hospital searching frantically for answers. I was treated like I didn't exist. The first nurse turned and walked away. The second nurse said, grimacing, 'What do you mean by your 'partner'?' After two hours of being ignored by staff, I finally came across a third nurse who took the time to help me find his room. As a nursing professional myself, I hope no one ever has to experience the anguish I did that day."  
– Evan McEwing, RN, BSN, CCRP 
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, ranked as the #1 eye hospital in the United States, provided an opportunity for 50 of their ambulatory, operating room, and inpatient nursing staff to receive an inservice from YES Institute: 
"Your interactive presentation provided a fascinating review of gender theory and the current medical and public health disparities research on intersex (DSD), transgender and GLB populations. Thank you for addressing our staff on these important topics."  
– Hilda Brito, RN-BC, MSN, Director of Nursing Programs & Staff Development 
Medical residents aren't often provided training on patient care for people dealing with the topics of gender and orientation. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that found overall inadequate medical training regarding gay and transgender patients, even among top medical schools in the US and Canada. 

Medical programs that provide this type of education and experience are shifting the tide of patient-centered care. Larkin Hospital in South Miami invited YES Institute to address their psychiatrists: 
"As far as I know, I've never had a transgender patient. YES Institute was great at shedding some light on how to appropriately interact with people who have already transitioned, or are in the process of transitioning." 
– Larkin Psychiatric Resident 

 "Prior to today, I never considered asking my patients questions about their sexual orientation. I now see how vital it is for our practice."   
– Larkin Psychiatric Resident 
Nicklaus Children's Hospital, formerly known as Miami Children's, continues to invite YES Institute to present to their nursing staff and psychology interns. Over the years, we've coordinated patient and family support services and educational outreach with Dr. Alejandro Diaz, Pediatric Endocrinology, and Dr. Janet Rosen, Pediatric Psychology & Psychiatry
"While I've served numerous gay and lesbian youth patients, the idea of having a transgender patient was very confronting for me. I was greatly impressed with the transgender young adult speaker. I now feel more comfortable and better equipped to support transgender patients." 
– Nurse's aide at Nicklaus Children's Hospital 
At MDC Medical Campus, professors from the Benjamin Leon School of Nursing often invite YES Institute to address their students before they fully enter their careers. 
"The YES Institute dialogue allowed my students to share personal beliefs and experiences they've never shared openly before." 
– Rafael Alonso, ARNP, FNP-BC, NP-C
Joseph Zolobczuk presenting to Bascom Palmer Eye Institute professionals

If you would like to request a presentation for your social work, nursing or medical staff, please use our Community Dialogue request page or call YES Institute at 305-663-7195 (Weekdays 9am-5pm). 

Inspired by the work of YES Institute? Your tax-deductible contributions make a difference! Donate today.

Written by Joseph Zolobczuk, Umut Dursun, and Evan McEwing

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